Ear Piercing

Ear Piercing:
Ear piercing is a Hindu ritual performed by the maternal uncle or the parents of the baby. The baby ears are pierced in the 6, 8, 10, 12 months after the birth. If it is not possible we can also do at 3rd year of the baby. At this age the baby can get less pain.
Cultural Beliefs:
Pooja has to be performed for Lord Vishnu, Rudra, Surya, Brahma, Chandra, Ashwini devatas, Saraswathi and cow. Many people perform this ritual at the Snake Pit (Naga Putta). This ceremony has to be performed on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday preferably mornings. After Ear piercing mother has to keep Tilak for the baby to avoid (Drishti) evil eye. Baby has to be taken to the temple and Pooja has to be done.
Note: Never perform this ceremony on the day of stars bharani, krutika, arudra, aslesha, magha, jyesta, vishaka and moola.
Important Facts:
Ear piercing has to be done with hygienic conditions.
Ear piercing with gold needle is very beneficial.
Baby has to be held very comfortably so that her head doesn’t move when the ear is getting pierced. Offer a toy to divert the baby’s attention.
Take the baby to an experienced practitioner, so that he locates the center of the ear lobe avoiding the nerve and exactly do piercing.
Scientific Reasons:
People believe by doing ear piercing we can maintain good eyesight. There is a nerve in the ear that connects the brain. The pressure on the right ear can be controlled as the Kidney will be passed and the functioning can be maintained.
From the age of seven, the kidney functioning starts, till that time the bladder is not grown fully.
The brain and memory cells expansion is the most important factor. So one cannot remember what happens at the age of 4, 5 and 6 and can remember only from the age of seven.
Benefits of ear piercing
Amongst other benefits of ear piercing include maintaining regularity in the menstrual cycle of a girl, avoiding hysteria and other diseases. It is also believed that ear piercing helps in maintaining the electric current flow in a human body. Another belief is that ear piercing applies pressure on certain points on the ear and provides an acupressure healing therapy. The therapy will reduce the distressing energy present in that body part.
Ear piercing is believed to be helpful in the growth of the brain. As per a sage Sushrutha, the ear lobes contain meridian points connecting left and right hemispheres of the brain of the humans. Piercing at this point helps in the activation of the brain. Applying pressure on points on ears will also improve eyesight, as the center for vision lies on the ear lobe. Other health benefits of Karnavedha include preventing conditions like nervousness, anxiety besides keeping the digestive system in order.

